To be able to run JMoribus stories you'll have to configure the application.

Default configuration

This can be done by creating the DefaultConfiguration and adding your own steps and reporters. See the next example:

Configuration config = new DefaultConfiguration();
JMoribus jMoribus = new JMoribus(configuration);

Running stories

The stories need to be parsed and passed down to JMoribus.

Parsing the stories

JMoribus comes with a parser of its own to generate objects from story files. You'll have to provide the parser with an InputStream holding the story. This you'll have to add this in an ParseableStory with a title. See the next example:

List<ParseableStory> parseableStories = new ArrayList<>(3);
InputStream fileInputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/multiScenario.story");
parseableStories.add(new ParseableStory(fileInputStream, "MultiScenarioTitle"));
fileInputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/test2.story");
parseableStories.add(new ParseableStory(fileInputStream, "testTitle"));
fileInputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/referring.story");
parseableStories.add(new ParseableStory(fileInputStream, "PrologueTest"));

List<Story> stories = StoryParser.parseStories(parseableStories);

When an story is not parseable the parser will throw an UnableToParseStoryException.

Running it

When the parser has parsed the stories you can feed them to JMoribus just like it was explained in the default configuration.